378 Bell Hill Road » Delhi, N.y. 13753 » (p) 607.434.4506 » (e) hravenb at hotmail dot com  

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Past lives / careers...

9/2003 - 11/2005 Full-time Student (see education page) Dublin, Ireland
8/2002 - 8/2003 Winferno Software Boston, Massachusetts
  Designer/Interface Developer
  • Designed and implemented company's three software websites
  • Maintained all site updates, including front-end and back-end adjustments
  • Created marketing collateral, including advertisements for company's software products
  • Initiated design/implementation of purchase pages for e-commerce interaction
  • Managed all advertisements, including the online tracking of ad performance and profitability
3/2000 - 3/2002 Momentix (since acquired by CodeLab) Boston, Massachusetts
  Web Site Interface Developer
  • Designed and implemented company's three software websites
  • Hand-coded HTML & JavaScript to enhance user interface usability
  • Responsible for integrating company functionality into each site created
  • Manipulated graphics in a variety of programs in order to determine best file types for individual sites
  • Utilized PhotoShop and Fireworks to create and cut graphics for the web
  • Developed and assisted in the management and creation of each project with various Account Managers - up to 10 sites/projects per month
  • Managed the mapping software used to upload and maintain each exhibitor floor plan
3/1999 - 8/1999 Fast Company Magazine Boston, Massachusetts
  Live Events Coordinator
  • Designed and implemented company's three software websites
  • Responsible for the marketing materials/mailings for each event
  • Created and maintained copy/graphics of Live Events marketing material and incorporated the design into the company's website
  • Selected sites and venues for approximately 16 events per year
  • Solicited top-tier vendors and handled logistics of all events
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